Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Ballad of Billy Fuzz

This is the first entry in "Volume II, Part II" of my poem books. It's a sobering tale, really. A dark story of greed and its consequences. And it goes a little somethin' like this:

Billy Fuzz

Once upon a time there was
A little boy named Billy Fuzz
Billy was in the 2nd grade,
and every week he would get paid
a dollar for him to get his chores done
And then he could have lots of fun

One day Billy decided to buy
a yummy looking apple pie
It only cost $1.10
But he only had a dollar to spend
Billy needed another dime
But a nickel was all that he could find

He roamed the streets and scavenged stores
For it was a dime that he adored
He roamed the streets with a copper pan
And begged until a nice old man
Walked up to him and gave him a penny
"Gee!" said Billy. "That's not that many!"

The man gave him an ugly scowl
And threw his penny at a spotted owl
The owl dropped dead on the cold city street
And soon there was nothing left to eat
The city had acquired an ugly buzz
All because of Billy Fuzz

Wow, I must have been having a particularly angsty-teenager week. Or maybe I was mad that my parents would not raise my allowance. Either way, the results are disturbing.

1 comment:

  1. What is that spotted owl doing in the city?? Doesn't he know that his species is endangered and that he's putting himself at the risk of pennies flying at incredible speed?
